The Shofar and Our Relationship with the Divine - Matan - The Sadie Rennert

The Shofar and Our Relationship with the Divine

Matan Beit Shemesh

Rabbi Dr. Mark Smilowitz

| י"ד, כ"ד באלול | September 17,24

20:30-22:00 Zoom . Matan Beit Shemesh - at Beit Knesset Netzach Menashe, Rechov Reuven 18

I Want To Buy Separate Meetings

Tuesday evening - September 17

Rabbi Dr. Mark Smilowitz - Tears in Heaven: What to cry about, and what not to cry about, when hearing the shofar

40 ₪

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Tuesday evening - September 24

Rabbi Dr. Mark Smilowitz - The Spirit from the Law: Exploring the deeper meaning of the shofar through the halakhic sources

40 ₪

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