BONUS EPISODE: Special Live Event In honor of reaching 200 episodes - Matan - The Sadie Rennert

Wedensday | January 28, 2025

BONUS EPISODE: Special Live Event In honor of reaching 200 episodes

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In honor of reaching 200 episodes, we held a special live event at Meshek 48 in Rosh Tzurim on motzei shabbat, Parshat Shemot.

Our conversation focused on the women of Parshat Shemot: the midwives, Moshe’s mother, Moshe’s sister, and Bat Pharaoh.  We spoke about their heroic roles in the parsha and about modern iterations of these women that we have observed around us in the past year and a half.

We want to thank all of our listeners for being part of this virtual Torah community and thank those who have helped this project flourish with their generosity.

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