In this conversation with Rabbanit Oshra Koren, Head of Matan Hasharon and Rabbanit of Kehillat Kinor David, we speak about the mitzvah of lighting the Menorah and its relevance to modern religious life and education.
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Sunday | June 13, 2021
Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble with Tamar Weissman
Episode 14 – Loving and Living in the Tribal Land with Tamar Weissman (5/7)
In this episode, Matan Summer Program coordinator Tamar Weissman movingly discusses...
Sunday | January 30, 2022
Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble with Yael Leibowitz
Episode 48 – Parshat Tzav: Ritual and Moral Impurity
In this conversation with Matan Lecturer Yael Leibowitz, we discuss two...
Tuesday | February 8, 2022
Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble with Rabbanit Dr. Adina Sternberg
Episode 43- Parshat Tetzave: Law and Narrative Through the Eyes of Rashi
This conversation between Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble and Dr. Adina Sternberg–...