Episode 187 - Parshat Breishit : The Three Calls to Mankind - Matan - The Sadie Rennert

Sunday | October 20, 2024

Episode 187 – Parshat Breishit : The Three Calls to Mankind

Dr. (Yosefa) Fogel Wruble with Rachel Sharansky Danziger

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This week’s conversation with Rachel Sharansky Danziger opens our Breishit Series titled, ‘These are our Heroes,’ which explores a central figure from each parsha, asking our guests what is meaningful, inspiring, powerful, challenging, and thought-provoking about their behaviors. This week, Rachel explores mankind’s highs and lows in the parsha.

This week’s episode has been sponsored by Dora Richter in memory of her mother, Chaya Rachel bat Shmuel Dov Hakohen, whose 50th yahrzeit is on the 3rd of Tishei.

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