Episode 201: Parshat Bo - Storytelling as a First Principle - Matan - The Sadie Rennert

Sunday | January 26, 2025

Episode 201: Parshat Bo – Storytelling as a First Principle

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In this deeply probing conversation with Matan lecturer Rachel Sharansky Danziger, we study Shemot 12 which focuses on the current exodus as well as its future retelling.  Why is storytelling such a central tool at this point in our nation’s early history? Is there an ethic of truth embedded in storytelling? How is storytelling relevant to our current challenges right now?

The series asks what axiomatic ideas sit at the root of Israel’s national formation, without which we wouldn’t be who we are? How might we adjust our current trends in the Jewish world to realign with these principles?

This week’s episode is dedicated in memory of Chana Feigal bat Bluma and Shlomo – Harriet Sasson.

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