Episode 202: Parshat Beshalach - A Mute God and Mud on Our Shoes - Matan - The Sadie Rennert

Sunday | February 2, 2025

Episode 202: Parshat Beshalach – A Mute God and Mud on Our Shoes

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In this episode with R. Joe Wolfson, we explore the nation’s experience crossing the Red Sea through a series of midrashic readings that provide greater human depth and emotional contour to the written text.  R. Wolfson reminds us how Chazal’s dynamic interpretations often provide a bridge between the biblical account and our lived experiences.

The series asks what axiomatic ideas sit at the root of Israel’s national formation, without which we wouldn’t be who we are? How might we adjust our current trends in the Jewish world to realign with these principles?

This week’s episode is dedicated in memory of Rabbi Desmond Maizels, a devoted community Rabbi in Cape Town, South Africa for over 40 years.

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