Episode 79 - Parshat Bereishit: Intimacy As the Family's Foundation - Matan - The Sadie Rennert

Tuesday | October 18, 2022

Episode 79 – Parshat Bereishit: Intimacy As the Family’s Foundation

Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble with Rabbanit Rachel Weber Leshaw

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In this first episode of a new season, podcast host Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble sits down with returning guest Rabbanit Rachel Weber Leshaw to speak about the Torah’s suggested perspectives on couples and intimacy in the opening chapters of Breishit and how this serves as a guidepost throughout the entire book.

Our episodes for the book of Bereishit focus on family and interpersonal dynamics.  These conversations are candid, insightful, and respectful.  We aim not to psychoanalyze the biblical figures, but to learn from them as we stumble through our own beautifully messy lives.

.This week’s episode has been dedicated by Barbie Danon in honor of Sheva Weissman, her soulful and knowledgeable Torah teacher

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