Matan Women on the Homefront sharing Torah Care & Love ❤️ - Matan - The Sadie Rennert

Tuesday | December 19, 2023

Matan Women on the Homefront sharing Torah Care & Love ❤️

Chaya Bina-Katz, CEO of Matan, and Rabbanit Oshra Koren, Rosh Beit Midrash of Matan HaSharon, Devorah Levine Katz

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In this conversation with Chaya Bina-Katz, CEO of Matan, and Rabbanit Oshra Koren, Rosh Beit Midrash of Matan HaSharon, Devorah Levine Katz speaks with them about their connection to Matan, their dreams for the future and Matan’s active involvement in war efforts on the homefront.

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