Enjoy the final parsha shiur in this series given by Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble on V’zot ha-beracha: How to Die Better
Thank you for joining us for this series! Stay tuned for the coming season of One on One, hosted by Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble.
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Sunday | January 7, 2024
Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble with Rabbanit Dr. Adina Sternberg
Episode 145 – Parshat Vaera: Why Enslavement?
In this conversation with Rabbanit Dr. Adina Sternberg we discuss Nechama...
Wednesday | December 6, 2023
Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble and Dr. Tanya White
Episode 140 : The Persistence of Evil (special content)
In this episode with Dr. Tanya White, we add another installment...
Sunday | January 29, 2023
Dr. (Yosefa) Fogel Wruble with Rachel Sharansky Danziger
Episode 94 – Parshat Beshalach: The Power of Transition
In this illuminating conversation with Matan Lecturer Rachel Sharansky Danziger, we...