Episode 15 - When Three Become One: Medicine, Public Health and Halakha (6/7) - Matan - The Sadie Rennert

Sunday | June 20, 2021

Episode 15 – When Three Become One: Medicine, Public Health and Halakha (6/7)

Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble with Dr. Sharon Galper Grossman

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In this fascinating conversation with Dr. Sharon Galper Grossman, MD-MPh and graduate of Matan Hasharon’s Morot L’ Halakha program, she speaks about her journey into the world of Halakha and Halachik writing as a radiation oncologist who trained and worked as an attending physician at Harvard. This conversation is a great reminder that life develops in chapters, and that sometimes the most rewarding experiences come when we least expect it.

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