Shmuel, Shaul & Commentary on Kingship


Rabbanit Shani Taragin

Subject: Tanakh Semester Course

Dates and Days: Wednesday
ט' באדר א' תשפ"ד -י"ד בסיוון תשפ"ד
02.18.2024 - 06.20.2024

Time: 11:45 - 13:00

Where: Hybrid course -Zoom And In-person At Matan Jerusalem - Rashbag 30, Jerusalem

Price: 580 NIS

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Course Description

We will begin our learning of the books of Shmuel within the context of his other writings (i.e. Shoftim and Ruth). Through noting parallel phrases and themes, we will sensitize ourselves to the religious commentary Shmuel HaNavi offers regarding the question of proper leadership and monarchy in particular. Shmuel’s particular style, name puns and allusions will enhance our understanding of the religious messages he teaches his generation for perpetuity. We will incorporate midrashim, classical medieval parshanut and modern literary exegesis as we explore the beginning of kingship in Israel and the monarchy of Shaul as described in the opening chapters of Sefer Shmuel.

About the Educator Rabbanit Shani Taragin

is a distinguished alumna of the Matan Beit Midrash program. She received her M.A. in Tanakh and Talmud from Bar Ilan University and is certified as a Halakhic Advisor. Shani is the Educational Director of Matan’s Bellows Eshkolot Educators Institute for Tanakh and Jewish Studies and of the Morot L’Halakha program in Matan HaSharon and she is the curriculum coordinator for the Bnei Akiva-Matan Program (MTVA). In addition Shani teaches courses at Matan and other advanced women's Torah Institutes in Israel.

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