Course Description
Deuteronomy is a difficult text, containing relatively little narrative, many mitzvot, and much repetition. It opens at a critical moment of transition for the Jewish people, before they enter Eretz Yisrael, with Moshe’s farewell address to his flock, and ends with his death. Among the topics we will explore in this course are the meaning of Moshe’s life and death as presented in Sefer Devarim, the mitzvot unique to a sovereign people in their own land, the place of repetition in the biblical text, and the perspective on Jewish history that emerges from this humash.
About the Educator Simi Peters
Simi Peters teaches Tanakh, Midrash, and Parshanut (Biblical Exegesis) at Nishmat and Matan in Jerusalem, as well as lecturing on these topics internationally. The author of Learning to Read Midrash (Urim Publications), Simi has been involved in adult Jewish education, educational consulting, and teacher education since making aliya 40 years ago. She specializes in providing access to a wide variety of classic Jewish texts for students at all levels of Jewish literacy and experience. Simi has a Master’s Degree in Linguistics from the Graduate Center of CUNY, and is an alumna of the prestigious Jerusalem Fellows program.
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