
Dr. Tanya White

Dr. Tanya White is an international lecturer, writer and educator with a focus on Tanach and Contemporary Jewish Thought. She is Senior lecturer at Matan Institute for Torah Studies and a guest lecturer at other institutes including Pardes and LSJS. Tanya holds a doctorate in Jewish Philosophy from Bar Ilan University and is the recipient of Schupf Fellowship for outstanding students. A collection of her articles, blogs and published material can be viewed on her blog-page: www.contemplatingtorah.wordpress.com

Rabbanit Dr Hannah Hashkes

Hannah Hashkes directs the International Halakha Scholars Program (IHSP) of Ohr Torah Stone, and teaches Halakha and Talmud in various frameworks. She is a graduate of the Women's Institute of Halakhic Leadership, holds a PhD in philosophy and is the author of the book Rabbinic Discourse as a System of Knowledge, "The Study of Torah is Equal to them All", 2015.

Rabbanit Dr. Jennie Rosenfeld

has just completed a book on the interplay of sexuality and religion for unmarried individuals, from halakhic and ethical perspectives. Previously, she served for five years as the Manhiga Ruchanit (female spiritual leader) in Efrat, where she also directed the rabbinic court for financial matters. She received permission to give halakhic rulings (“heter hora’ah”) from Rabbi Shlomo Riskin and Rav Shuki Reich, after completing the Susi Bradfield Women’s Institute for Halakhic Leadership program at Midreshet Lindenbaum, and she holds a PhD in English from the CUNY Graduate Center. She co-authored Et Le’ehov: The Newlywed’s Guide to Physical Intimacy (Gefen 2011; Hebrew translation 2013).

Rabbanit Leah Herzog

Leah Herzog is an educator, writer and psychologist who currently teaches at MATAN, as well as international zoom classes, and is a museum educator at the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem. She earned her Teacher’s Certification from Michlalah, the Jerusalem College for Women. She graduated magna cum laude with a BA in Psychology from Barnard College, when she was also inducted into the Phi Betta Kappa society. Leah earned her M.Ed. in Educational Psychology from Loyola University of Chicago and continued her doctoral work in the same field; she also received certification from the Administrator Development Academy at the University of Cincinnati. Leah has taught Tanach and psychology to high school students and adults for over 30 years; in addition, Leah chaired Tanach Department at Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School . Before her aliya in 2019, Leah taught Tanach and was the co-director of Israel Guidance at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls in Teaneck, NJ for 13 years. Leah is also a writer, a Sefaria Educator, a certified mentor and an expert in Project-Based Learning in the Jewish studies classroom. She also liaises with the human networks around people with impairments, as well as supporting and educating regarding infertility and pregnancy loss. She lives in Givat Ze’ev with her husband, Rabbi Avi Herzog and has two adult children.

Rabbanit Surale Rosen

is a graduate of Hilkhata, Matan's Advanced Halakhic Institute and is a certified Meshivat Halakha. She is the Director of Shayla. In addition she is a certified To'enet Rabbanit and a graduate of Matan’s Advanced Talmud Institute. Surale has taught Midrash, Talmud and Halakha and Daf Yomi in a wide array of shuls and communities, including the Matan Beit Midrash. Surale is a graduate of Bar Ilan University and holds degrees in English Literature and Talmud. This past year she wrote the weekly Parashat HaShavua column for Chumash Shemot in the leading religious Israeli newspaper Makor Rishon and periodically writes Divrei Torah for weekly Torah publications.

Rabbi Dr. Dvir Ginsberg

attended Columbia University, received his semicha from Yeshiva Bnei Torah, and completed a joint degree in dentistry and business from Nova Southeastern University. He founded Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah in 2011, fulfilling a dream of creating a gap year yeshiva experience rooted in the rationalist tradition. In addition to his shiurim at Migdal, Rabbi Ginsberg is a highly sought after lecturer, covering topics ranging from Analytical Talmud to Philosophy, Physics and Halacha. Rabbi Ginsberg lives in Chashmonaim with his wife and four children.

Shifra Malina Waxman